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Upliftv presents The Inspirational Art of Thomas Kinkade

Upliftv, the faith-based network that offers more inspirational movies and documentaries than any other faith channel and includes a variety of ministries and TV series, proudly presents The Inspirational Art of Thomas Kinkade, an Upliftv original production.

thomaskinkade_pr_2This Christmas season, The Inspirational Art of Thomas Kinkade, takes an inside look at the lifework of one of the most renowned painters in modern American history, Thomas Kindade. Each episode highlights two of Kinkade’s most popular paintings, which often portray Kinkade’s faith and spirituality.

“I’m excited to be featured on the Upliftv original production, The Inspirational Art of Thomas Kinkade,” said Patrick Kinkade, host and brother of the late artist Thomas Kinkade. “It’s heartwarming to share memories of my brother, who inspired so many in this world.”

Known as the Painter of Light, Thomas Kinkade’s talents spanned many genres. The artist was an accomplished public speaker and a top-selling author, who devoted his career to sharing an inspirational message of faith, nature, and family.

Starting this week, an episode of The Inspirational Art of Thomas Kinkade will air every Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. EST and Thursday at 2 p.m. EST. The paintings that will be featured during these special Christmas episodes are: Christmas Chapel, Christmas Cottage, Christmas Miracle, and Silent Night.

“Thomas Kinkade’s art was meant to move and uplift the spirit, which is precisely why Upliftv wants to share it with its audience,” stated Bob Higley, President of the Upliftv Foundation.

Upliftv is owned and operated by Olympusat, Inc., a leader in the Hispanic television and media space through its 100+ SD and HD Spanish and English language television networks, and it’s currently available on DIRECTV.

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VIA CHRISTIAN NEWSWIRE >> Upliftv Presents the Inspirational Art of Thomas Kinkade, the Painter of Light…

Press Contact: Jesús Piñango


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VEMOX™ offers the relaxing and stress-free content of NatureVision TV

vemox-logoVEMOX™, Olympusat’s cost efficient and reliable B2B carrier-grade OTT platform, offers its audience the ability to watch the relaxing and stress-free content of NatureVision TV, a 24/7 LIVE channel that features lush video programs featuring breathtaking views of nature.

Designed to provide a break from today’s hectic society, NatureVision TV helps viewers relax and relieve stress by showcasing stunning footage and crystal clear sounds of some of the most gorgeous locations around the world, including beautiful mountains, waterfalls, beaches, oceans, and forests. The network’s extraordinary scenes of nature are shot and produced by an award-winning team of cinematographers, and the original music tracks featured on every scene are performed by critically-acclaimed composers, such as Gary Malkin, Steven Halpern, Steve Cossu, and Raphael Sharpe.

naturevision_color“We are thrilled that NatureVision TV is now available on VEMOX! We know that their subscribers will enjoy our all-natural relaxation channel,” stated Jon Gorchow, CEO of NatureVision TV.

VEMOX is available for Amazon Fire TV and Fire TV Stick customers, and on many leading Smart TVs such as Samsung and LG.

VEMOX is a trademark of Olympusat, Inc. All rights reserved.

Press Contact: Jesús Piñango


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Olympusat and RTVE reach content acquisition agreement

olympusat-logoOlympusat, Inc., one of the largest independent media companies specializing in the ownership, distribution, production and technical services of Spanish and English language networks, has reached a content acquisition agreement with RTVE, the Corporación de Radio y Televisión Española, S.A. (The Spanish Radio and Television Corporation).

As part of its efforts to provide the Hispanic market with a wide selection of high-quality Spanish-language content, Olympusat acquired the rights to distribute in the U.S. some of RTVE’s most renowned titles, including El Caso: Crónica de Sucesos, Isabel y Carlos, La Sonata del Silencio, Rey Emperador, and Víctor Ros.

“RTVE’s critically-acclaimed titles enjoyed great popularity internationally, especially in Spain. We are certain that these series are a perfect match for Olympusat’s owned-and-operated networks; we are excited to introduce our audience to new and exciting content.” said Aurora Bacquerie, VP of Channel Relations at Olympusat.

The RTVE titles will be distributed in the U.S. through some of Olympusat’s most popular networks, and VEMOX™, the company’s OTT TV Everywhere solution. Olympusat will announce more details about the agreement in the near future.

VIA PRODU >> RTVE:We closed the deal with Olympusat’s Vemox OTT solution with an excellent catalogue for MipCancun…
VIA REVISTA SEÑAL >> Las series de RTVE, éxito en Mipcom…
VIA CINE Y TELE >> MIPCOM 2016: aumento del catálogo de dramas de TV…
VIA TODO TV NEWS >> Un Mipcom productivo para RTVE…
VIA MUNDO PLUS >> Buena acogida de las series de RTVE en el MIPCOM 2016…

Press Contact: Jesús Piñango

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Los Súper Pérez llegan a Ultra Kidz

Ultra Kidz, el canal de Olympusat que ofrece entretenimiento divertido y educativo en alta definición para niños y preescolares, presenta el estreno de la serie de superhéroes mexicanos, Los Súper Pérez, a partir de este martes, de lunes a viernes a las 6 p.m. EST.

lossuperperezA simple vista, los Pérez parecen una familia común y corriente, pero cuando el mal acecha, utilizan sus súper poderes para combatir los planes del malvado Señor del Cristal Oscuro y sus secuaces salidos del folclore mexicano, tales como Bomín el Payaso Loco Los Mariachis Engarrotadores. Con el paso del tiempo, los Pérez se convierten en ídolos de la cultura popular.

Ultra Kidz forma parte de los canales de Olympusat, Inc., y se encuentra actualmente distribuido por medio de Charter Spectrum, Claro TV, Liberty Cable, Verizon FiOS y VEMOX™.

Contacto de Prensa: Jesús Piñango

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La ciencia ficción se apodera de Ultra Cine

Ultra Cine, el canal en HD que transmite películas galardonadas y producciones originales de México, España y Latinoamérica, presentará este lunes 31 de octubre, 2016, una noche cargada de acción, adrenalina y ciencia ficción. Durante esta presentación especial, la audiencia y los fanáticos del género, podrán disfrutar de historias futurísticas basadas en el porvenir de la sociedad hispana.

pixel-theory_still1El especial de ciencia ficción, inicia a las 10 p.m. EST, presentando la exitosa película española Pixel Theory. Un drama futurístico basado en las repercusiones que ocurren luego de la aparición de un peligroso programa de computadora que pone en peligro a la humanidad para siempre. Pixel Theory ha recibido varios reconocimientos a nivel internacional, incluyendo el Premio Unicornio a Mejor Guion en el Festival Costa del Sol.


Escena de la película Quito 2023

Para culminar, a las 11:45 p.m. EST, Ultra Cine presenta Quito 2023, una historia de acción centrada en la capital ecuatoriana. Los problemas políticos y sociales han llevado al país a manos de un gobierno dictatorial y opresor. Sin embargo, algunos grupos revolucionarios aún luchan por derrocar a la tiranía que azota a la ciudad. Quito 2023 ha participado con éxito en varias muestras cinematográficas, tales como el Festival de Cine de la Orquídea – Cuenca.

Ultra Film forma parte de los canales de Olympusat, Inc., y se encuentra actualmente distribuido por medio de Charter Spectrum, Claro TV, Liberty Cable, Verizon FiOS y VEMOX™.

Contacto de Prensa: Jesús Piñango

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Olympusat takes on the stage at MIPCOM 2016

Olympusat, Inc., the TV and media industry leader specializing in Spanish and English language TV networks, was in attendance at MIPCOM 2016, the world’s entertainment content B2B trade event, where Yeshuah Castillo, Olympusat’s VP of Original Productions, spoke about the importance of producing Spanish-language content that caters to the growing Hispanic population in the United States and Europe.

img_0401Castillo took this opportunity to showcase Ultra Clásico, Olympusat’s HD Spanish-language channel comprised of digitally re-mastered movies from the Golden Age Latin American cinema. He also featured the company’s film restoration process, and highlighted that Olympusat has restored hundreds of classics Spanish-language motion pictures, including La Escondida, and Nobleza Ranchera, among other films starring legendary stars such as María Félix and Pedro Infante.

“We scan, restore and correct the sounds, colors and imperfections that these films may have. It is an incredibly difficult process, but it is also very satisfying to finish each and every one of these films,” stated Castillo.

Olympusat’s classic movie restorations are currently being showcased across Europe. Iconic movies such as La Mujer Murciélago, Los Hermanos del HierroSanto y Blue Demon vs. Drácula y El Hombre Lobo, and La Maldición de la Momia Azteca¸ are being distributed in several European countries such as Austria, France, Germany, Poland, Switzerland and Sweden.



Press Contact: Jesús Piñango


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VEMOX™ Offers Exclusive Access to Canal 44 in the U.S.

vemox-logoVEMOX™, Olympusat’s cost efficient and reliable B2B carrier-grade OTT platform, offers its audience exclusive access to Canal 44, a 24/7 Spanish-language live channel that features a neutral and border-centric approach to the most important and relevant news from the U.S., Mexico, and around the world.

VEMOX’s customers can now watch Canal’s 44 high-quality news broadcast led by some of the most trusted journalist in Mexico. The network features informative talk shows, in-depth sport analysis, and a weekly newscast showcasing the most shocking and interesting news from U.S.- Mexican borderline cities, such as Juarez, El Paso, and Las Cruces.

“We currently live in a globalized world; Spanish television is of great importance to all growing Hispanic communities in the U.S.,” stated Eduardo Oates, President of Canal 44. “Without a doubt, Canal 44 promotes cultural identity while encouraging a sense of belonging in the Latino population.”

foto-cafecitoConsidered by many as one of the leading news and entertainment networks in Juarez City, Mexico, Canal 44 produces over 50% of its content, including the popular TV magazine El Cafecito de la Mañana, the exciting sports show Cancha Caliente, and the weekly news bulletin Semana en Resumen. Canal 44 is currently available in most of the continental United States – some restrictions apply.

VEMOX combines technology and content, making it easier for consumers to watch the programming they love by offering an array of live channels and thousands of movies and series On Demand in Spanish. The app offers the user access to their favorite content from North, Central and South America, including highly-acclaimed movies and series, fan-favorite telenovelas, educational shows for kids, captivating documentaries, and popular music videos.

VEMOX is available for Amazon Fire TV and Fire TV Stick customers, and on many leading Smart TVs such as Samsung and LG. VEMOX is a trademark of Olympusat, Inc. All rights reserved.

Press Contact: Jesús Piñango

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Gran Cine presentará películas de terror de Latinoamérica y España

el-eco-del-miedo-1Para celebrar el espíritu de Halloween, Gran Cine presentará este 31 de octubre, 2016, algunas de las películas de horror más aterrorizantes de Latinoamérica y España. Durante todo el día de brujas, los amantes del buen cine podrán disfrutar de una gran variedad de películas de horror Argentina, Colombia, España, y México, cargadas de fantasmas espeluznantes, espíritus del más allá, y creaturas espantosas.

“El día de Halloween es bastante popular dentro de la comunidad latina. Es por esto que hemos creado un espacio en el cual presentaremos una amplia colección de películas de terror y misterio que prometen entretener a nuestra audiencia,” señaló Jesús Piñango, Director de Contenido Estratégico de Olympusat. “Olympusat está dedicado a ofrecer programación de la más alta calidad dirigida a todos los hispanos en los EE.UU.,” agregó Piñango.

paternoster-6Las películas que serán presentadas durante el especial de Halloween son: Cenizas (España), El Resquicio (Colombia), KM 31: Kilometro 31(México), La Habitación de Karla (México), Paternoster (Argentina), y El Eco del Miedo (México). Para más información sobre el contenido de Gran Cine, incluyendo las fechas y horarios de su programación visite:

VIA PRODU >> Gran Cine y Cine Mexicano de Olympusat anuncian programación especial por Halloween…

Contacto de Prensa: Jesús Piñango

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Olympusat da inicio a la filmación de La Película Sin Nombre

Olympusat, Inc., uno de los conglomerados de medios de comunicación independientes en español e inglés especializado en la propiedad, distribución y servicios técnicos relacionados con contenido televisivo, inicia el proceso de producción de su más reciente proyecto cinematográfico llamado La Película Sin Nombre.

Esta nueva producción original de Olympusat llamada La Película Sin Nombre, narra la historia de Monserrate, una chica de origen colombiano radicada en la glamorosa ciudad de Miami. Sin embargo, a pesar de trabajar para un millonario, ella no ha logrado alcanzar el éxito que siempre ha deseado, y se siente abatida, ya que sus amigas han sido más exitosas que ella, tanto en lo laboral como en lo personal. No obstante, todo cambia repentinamente cuando el destino la lleva a su tierra natal y a conocer a un grupo de personas excéntricas cargadas de positivismo, incluyendo a Harry, un carismático extranjero que se ha enamorado perdidamente de Colombia, su gente, y su cultura.

“Nuestro objetivo principal es poder proporcionar contenido de la más alta calidad a nuestra audiencia. Es por esto que hemos reunido a un equipo tan completo y talentoso de profesionales,” señaló Yeshuah Castillo, Vicepresidente de Producciones Originales de Olympusat. “Hemos disfrutado bastante la producción; es un placer contar con la participación de estrellas tales como Angélica Blandón y Nataly Umaña.”

La producción cuenta con un elenco de reconocimiento internacional. El papel protagónico de Monserrate es interpretado por la actriz colombiana, Angélica Blandón. La ganadora al premio Mejor Actriz en el Festival Internacional de San Diego, alcanzó el éxito luego de su actuación en la serie Las Muñecas de la Mafia, y en varios largometrajes, tales como Las Tetas de mi Madre, y El Tiempo Perdido. La galardonada actriz es acompañada por reconocidas figuras, de la talla de la multifacética Nataly Umaña, Andrew Narváez, Alejo Estrada, y Ana Harley.

Escrita por el actor y productor Enrique Suárez, y dirigida por el aclamado cineasta colombiano Famor Botero, la filmación de La Película Sin Nombre será realizada en su mayor parte en la ciudad de Bogotá, Colombia, y en la Ciudad de Miami en los Estados Unidos. Olympusat, quien se ha consolidado como uno de los líderes en el mercado de la televisión hispana y en el espacio multimedia a través de su portafolio de más de 100 canales en SD y en HD en inglés y español, proyecta que la producción será distribuida tanto en Latinoamérica como en los Estados Unidos.

Contacto de Prensa: Jesús Piñango

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The transition to OTT according to Olympusat’s CEO, Tom Mohler, at the Hispanic TV Summit

img_9029Olympusat, Inc., one of the largest independent media companies specializing in the ownership, distribution, production and technical services of Spanish and English language networks, was present at the Hispanic TV Summit where Olympusat’s CEO, Tom Mohler, was chosen to participate on a panel discussion on Exploring Options for Incremental Linear and Digital Distribution.

On Thursday, October 20, 2016, Mohler offered insight into the television industry transition to Over-the-top (OTT) platforms, as well as the growing Hispanic audiences preferences and demographics. The executive also delved into the current opportunities presented to content creators, networks, and distributors, and the demand for high-quality content targeted at multicultural audiences.

“Viewers are transitioning to OTT; they want to have control and the ability watch their favorite content whenever and wherever they want,” said Mohler. “We are witnessing how consumer behavior is changing; the interest for talk shows and reality is decreasing, and scripted TV is taking over the industry.”

Mohler stressed how the TV ecosystem is shifting, and reminded attendees that OTT platforms offer providers and distributors the possibility to add Spanish-language and multicultural content. Olympusat has recently launched VEMOX, a white label OTT TV Everywhere solution with LIVE movies and entertainment channels and thousands of VOD hours.

The Hispanic TV Summit gathers industry leaders and top influencers to generate new ideas, and provide cable executives with a comprehensive view of the Hispanic TV and media industry.




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Press Contact: Jesús Piñango


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